
Not JUST another wedding...

How can I not post a few snaps from my own brother's wedding!? Yup, my lil bro (well, he's not really so little!) got married just 10 days ago! And would you believe Mike and Gigi got married at the same exact spot I married my beloved some thirteen years ago?! My "Papa" Vahac performed the ceremony and participated in our's too. These details made the day extra special!

Mike and Gigi did a great job planning and executing their wedding! The day was just perfect with gorgeous San Diego weather!

Here are a few I took while we were waiting for the limo to pick us up to go to the ceremony!

I love how happy they both look in this picture!

Leaving Hunter Park in San Marcos to go to the reception!

And last but not least! My new nephews! It would be an understatement to say that my kiddos are so excited to have new cousins close in age!

Spencer and I were both honored to be included in the wedding party, so I happily relinquished my "photographer hat" to Melissa. I'm so grateful for all she did for us that day. She's posted a sneak peek on her blog if you'd like to see a few more images from their special day.


A quick sneak peek for Beaudy!

Isn't she a doll? She is almost 7 months old. This little one travelled all the way from Montana. She is visiting her newborn twin cousins in California. Her mommy REALLY wanted pictures done with us during her visit, so we squeezed her in!

I'm glad we did. Beaudy was a sweetie!

I just have time for one right now! I'll be in touch with you soon about the rest!



Main Entry: ar·rhe·not·o·ky
Pronunciation: uh-WREN-uh-toe-key
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -kies
: parthenogenesis in which only males are produced -- compare DEUTEROTOKY, THELYTOKY

Bet that's a word you haven't used lately, eh? It's become a joke among friends ever since we came across it playing Balderdash! According to Balderdash, it's used to refer to a woman that has only given birth to boys. I'm SURE you wanted to know all this!

Anyways, hope you enjoy my quick share...I just love these boys to pieces! These are the younger two of the four that fill my happy (wild and crazy) casa! I think I'd better enjoy them while they're little....for soon I shall be surrounded by men!


A sneak peek for a super sweet senior!

Well, "newborns are my niche."

BUT that doesn't mean I can't mix it up a little! I had so much fun shooting this session with high school senior, Rachel. Last night we headed down to the Oceanside Harbor and then finally to the beach to create few more images.

Rachel will graduate from Escondido Charter High School in 2009 and I know her parents must be so proud of her! woot!

Are her eyes gorgeous, or what? She's got a heart of gold to match. What a sweetie!


Skate shoes...

So, I'm clearly behind in blogging. I've been keeping busy editing sessions and filling orders, not to mention homeschooling the kiddos! Yes, school is back in full swing. Life is so busy, but what a blessing it is to do what I do. I am so thankful for God's many blessings in my life!

I have so many recent sessions I want to share with you but until I get to it, here's one quick collage featuring "the Jakester." Hopefully his grandparents will get a kick out of it!

Have a great day!