
The Perfect Breakfast

At least that's what my big boys call it! (I should, too!)

Imagine this....you've just woken up on a Saturday morning, late, I might add...after your darling husband has just let you sleep in till...well, you didn't really think I was gonna tell you the how long I slept, did you?!?!

Anyway, back to the narrative...so, you've just woken up from a good night's sleep and you wake to the sweet aroma of cinnamon and sugar wafting up past your open door, and into the bedroom. The kids are pulling their creation out of the oven. The smell of "Yaya's coffeecake," (which they made from scratch, I might add!) will pull ya right out of bed in the morning!

Yes, you read that right! The kids made breakfast, before I got out of bed, AND the kitchen was actually in pretty good shape! Big plus! LOL

Now, many of you have asked, "Are you going to try again for a girl?" and when I announced to my wonderful neighbors that we were expecting a fourth son, I definitely got a few looks of pity! Be sure not to feel and pity for me, my friends! I have been lovingly dealt "four of a kind" and they have been a blessing, every one of them, every day of their lives.

Thank you my sons for being so helpful in the house, for baking treats for us all, and for your kindness to one another. I am so thankful for each of you! I love you!

P.S. And to any of you who got this far...if you'd like the recipe for this yummy coffeecake...let me know in the comments, and I'll send it to ya! Cheers!

(Oh, and if you don't have a link in your signature, plz email me at cristina@ctpstudio.com for the recipe!)


Anonymous said...

Although we were given a girl this last time, I know what you mean about boys being such a blessing. I must admit, although my hubby wanted a girl, I was kinda wanting a boy again. But, I'm happy with what I've got and taking every day one day at a time.

LOVE the collage!

Anonymous said...

You've got some great kiddos! I LOVE boys and have always wanted a house full of them! I have 3 AWESOME nephews instead! ;)

That looks SO YUMMY! I want the recipe!

Anonymous said...

love that collage.

Steph said...

ooooh, sounds yummy. is it in the church cookbook? of course they'd love on such a good mommy!

Leah said...

This was too cute to read. I I the sleep in thing too when hubby is around ( till 10 or 11 ) gotta get what you can when you can. Although I woke up to see my kids had their dessert cereal for breakfast and chocolate bars!
I didn't know you were pregnant, congrats!!! 4 boys is awesome. I have the three and I want another one. Sure a girl would be nice to dress up and watch daddy with but I think reality wise a 4th boy I awesome and less drama. Something about boys and heir moms too. Think of it later in life 4 boys grown coming home to their mom to visit ajdfor holidays, brothers wrestling around even at the age of 29! I love the idea. What are the ages of your boys?

cristina thornburg photography said...

Hey everyone! Thanks for commenting! I wub you! :)

Renee, I know you love that lil girl!

Lisa, happy to share! send me your email addy at cristina@ctpstudio.com and I'll get it to ya!

Kimberly, thanks!

Steph, you are a sweetie as usual, and yes, it's there! :)

Leah, Our boys are 11, 8, almost 4, and 1 1/2...I was referring to back when we found out we were having number four. He's already here and YES, I love having four boys! What would we do with a girl after three boys anyways!?!? LOL

Hope to hook up with you and your boys sometime--I might be going to PPA in AZ this winter. Maybe I'll see you there? :)